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VRChat Quiet Comforts v2.5 – Christmas Comes Early

Hi Hi all 🌸

Megu will be gone for the whole of December (just away from main PC where all the World Files are), I’ll be in Scotland for my Court Date and for Visiting Parents etc. Wont really have the decent connection to remove home to spend working on the world and it would be awful doing it that way too. So Christmas is coming early to Quiet Comforts!

I dabbled a little (around and hour or so) with making fire particles, made my own fire texture in Photoshop and used that to make what you can see in the world now, did some tweakies here and there. I’m pretty happy with how it looks, on desktop I get around 200 fps around the whole world so still good performance at the moment. After continuing to add stuffs, it hit me! I could make snow with Particles! so I did, made it all collide with the world etc, uses the same texture as the fire just white. throughout instead of yellow to red over time. Quite happy with particles in general, was fun learning and playing with them!

Hope you enjoy, have a great Christmas and end of the year!
Love ya’s! x

p.s. Why not take a picture on the Sleigh with friends and drop the pictures in discord, we’ll add all the pics from the community to the world ❤️

VRChat World – Quiet Comforts 2.5
Direct World Link <- Click to Launch an Instance!
MegumiNeko.com World Page

This Update (v2.5)

  • Christmas Assets added (Tree,Presents,Socks,Fire Place,Sleigh,Flakes)
  • It’s Snowing! (Has a toggle to turn off Particles in Menu)
  • Fire is Roaring! (Has a Toggle for Particles and Light in Menu)
  • Update Log and Mewvie Night now hosted externally from VRC (String Updates)

Future Updates: (v?.??)

  • Suggest on discord!

Known Issues:

  • UI functions as intended when clicked but some buttons don’t change their state. Need to redesign a few buttons from scratch at some point.

Megumi ❤️